St. Paul's

200 Years of Bringing the "Word of God" to East Canton, OH

Our mission is:

To be a church of God for the Community; to Reach Up, Reach Out, and Reach In.

Sunday Worship at 10:00 AM, Children's Sunday School at 10:20 AM

For live streamimg videos go to 
https://www.facebook.com/St.PaulsCCC.org and the video will be available at Sunday Noon on the videos page of this website.


With the breaking news about COVID-19 constantly developing, we are listening to recommendations from the CDC & World Health Org. as we strive to help protect our church family.

In order to ensure everyone’s safety and health, the Sunday morning scriptures and message will be both in church services with social distancing and will be live streamed & can be viewed at 10:00 a.m. on the church Facebook page or church website .

Should you feel there is also an opportunity for weekly offerings to be done through PayPal on the website or can be mailed to the church.

We will continue to monitor the development of COVID-19 and provide any updates or changes for future weeks.

In ending this long message, dear friends, it is in times like this of life changing uncertainty, that we find hope and peace in knowing that we have faith in a loving and faithful God whom we can lean on.

Coffee and donuts are now being served at this time.

Ed Dickerhoof, Pastor