
Easter is Over – Now What?

So, Easter has come and gone. All that remains is the Easter baskets with a few pieces of candy – the ones nobody really likes. If we have made sacrifices, they are over, and life will go back the way it was until next year. But it wasn’t that way after the first Easter. The fact that Jesus had risen from the dead was a new beginning. Life was forever changed. The disciples had a new reason to live and new power for their lives! 

They took their instructions from Jesus – both personally and as a fledgling church.  Jesus had given them personal instructions in the Great Commandment. (Mk. 12: Every follower had a life mission: Love God with all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength; and love your neighbor as yourself. Put simply, love God and love people.  This is what our lives should be about. If we will focus on loving God and loving people, our lives will have God’s direction and purpose. As we meet God and get to know Him, trust Him, and enjoy Him our relationship with Him will grow. As we love people and enjoy them our relationship with them will grow. In time, the God that we love and the people that we love will begin to meet each other. It’s much like having 2 really good friends – in time they will probably meet if you are close. In the same way, the people that you love will gradually be introduced to the God that you love.

Jesus also had instructions for them as a church. These are found in the Great Commission in Mt. 28:18-20. Jesus’ commandment is simply “Make disciples” and then he explains how to do it and he promises I am with you always even to the end of the age.

This summarizes the plans that Jesus had for them as well as the plans He has for us.  Individually the command is Love God, Love people. As a church, the command is Make disciples. Jesus makes it pretty clear and simple. Love God, love people, make disciples. If we are doing these things we share in Jesus’ purpose, power, and His presence. God has made it simple. Let’s not make it complicated. These things are God’s passion. Let’s make them our passion as well!          


Pastor Ed